Reform and Islamize the Economy

Reform and Islamize the Economy

Pakistan is currently going through one of the worst economic crises since it was founded. This is the result of the Poor Economic Policies with no consistency whatsoever since the 1990s. Since 1965 Pakistan has gone to the IMF 23 times, and despite adopting their policies the economy has perpetually been on the downturn. All the local and international economists agree that the following are the major reasons behind this poor performance besides others:

  • Ineffective and inefficient state institutions
  • Lack of consistent economic policy
  • Lack of quality education and technical training for the youth

The first phase of this includes a detailed study of the problems with Pakistan’s economy and the viable solutions to eradicate them. This project is almost near its completion. The study included interviews with top economists, industry experts and bureaucrats as well as data from conventional sources.  This study is about to be completed in Feb 2024 and the next step would be to figure out practical steps that could be taken to reform and Islamize the economy.

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