Quranic circles have spread far and wide across Pakistan and other Muslim Countries but the issue with all this is that Quran is being taught as a story book in these circles. Quran is a living guide which provides guidance in all aspects of human life and its teachings are eternal. It is in fact a book of change it changes one’s worldview and then provide guidance for bringing about change in the society. What did prophet Muhammad ﷺ teach the companions رضی اللہ عنہم ? Nothing but this Quran and that enabled them to become the leaders of the world. Then if the same Quran is being taught with the same spirit why it is not being able to bring about that change in the participants of these circles?
The plan is to revive Quran as the living guide. Different sessions, courses and workshops are arranged to teach key concepts of Quran that let participants internalize these in such a way so that necessary change could be brought about in them and their surroundings.
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