Preserving the Islamic Identity of Pakistan

Preserving the Islamic Identity of Pakistan

Pakistan’s true identity is undoubtedly Islamic. Whether you look at it through history, through the ambitions and statements of its founding fathers or the Constitution, you will not get any other conclusion than this. However, still with utter shamelessness and stubbornness the liberals and seculars of Pakistan try their level best to portray it as liberal. Misquoting Jinnah and Iqbal and demonizing the Muslim league as being pro-colonial and not the only voice of the Muslims of the subcontinent are some of their tactics to sell their snake oil.

The facts however establish the fact quite substantially but these are somehow not in reach of the general public. The plan is to raise awareness in this regard and bring forth the evidences that firmly establish the true Identity of Pakistan which is none else but Islam. Secondly, the plan is to make this knowledge part of the national curriculum so that the seculars and liberals couldn’t deceive younger generations.

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