Islamic Human Rights Commission of Pakistan

Islamic Human Rights Commission of Pakistan

After the second world war the passing of Universal Declaration of Human Rights in December 1948 at United Nations had a significant impact on the world. Many movements erupted across the world by common people to reclaim their rights and became successful. The problem however is that this concept of Human rights contradicts with Islamic concept of human rights in many issues. According to this declaration human rights are the ones which are mutually agreed upon among the nations of the world under UN umbrella, whereas in Islam, Human Rights are the ones which are granted to humans by their true lord Allah. Since influence of US and the western countries on decision making at the UN level as well on developing and under-developed nations is well established, many such rights have Islamic Morality vs Atheistic Morality- Post Debate Analysis of Qaiser Raja vs Harris Sultan debate also been included in the charter which are against all the religions of the world as well as the Human nature and UN is being used to impose them on the weaker nations of the world. Extensive women right and now LGBTQ+ rights are key examples of such false rights. Considering this, Muslims countries under the umbrella of OIC also passed the Islamic declaration of Human rights in Cairo in 1990, which is an excellent document and establishes the Islamic Concept of Human rights in the most appropriate way. Through the Muslims world the Islamic movements had always called the Muslim masses for actions based on the concept of obligations while the issue of human Rights have largely been neglected by the Islamic movements. This vacuum has been largely filled by Seculars and leftists.

The plan is to establish this commission in Pakistan with following Vision, Mission and Values to properly address the issues pertaining to Human Rights and mobilize the masses on this basis through proper education, mentoring and empowerment.


To ensure that all human beings get their rights as established by their true creator Allah, and endorsed in the Cairo Declaration on human rights in Islam (1990) as well as the constitution of Pakistan (1973)


To deliver the rights established by Allah to human beings:

  • Raise awareness regarding these rights
  • To refute other concepts of human rights in contrary to the right one
  • To look after the poor, oppressed and helpless factions and people and to use whatever means possible in order to provide them their Islamic human rights
  • To be a watchdog on the possible Islamic human rights violations conducted by the state as well as the social institutions and strive for their speedy redressal with whatever means possible.


  • To be objective driven
  • To be innovative to ensure maximum impact and continuous progress
  • To enable unity
  • To maintain highest level of Akhlaq
  • To facilitate strategic planning, in the light of Qur’an, Sunnah and academic research


Petition against The Transgender Act 2018 in Federal Shariat Court.

Publishing Federal Shariat Court’s Decision and sending them along with official letter to Senators, parliamentarians, Justices of Supreme court, high courts and libraries across Pakistan.

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