Eradicate Ussury

Eradicate Ussury

Federal Shariat court has already declared usuary un-Islamic and hence unconstitutional in its decision made on Jun 1, 2022, and has instructed the government to eradicate it within 5 years. However, as has been the case in the past On June 25, 2022, the State Bank of Pakistan along with four other banks challenged the decision of the Federal Shariah Court against interest in the Supreme Court. This means that till this review petition is settled in the Shariat Appellate Bench the decision will remain suspended. The plan is to ensure that this appellate bench is formed and these review petitions are settled so the implementation of the decision can be pursued.

Secondly, the Islamic banking currently being developed in Pakistan under the patronage of Mufti Taqi Usmani and his disciples is not Islamic. Islamic economists and financial experts have raised many concerns over this endeavor but such information is not available to the public.  The plan is to raise awareness in this regard and present the right model of Islamic banking so that the foundation of such type of banking could be laid in Pakistan.

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