Awareness of the True Self/Identity

Awareness of the True Self/Identity

Without awareness of one’s true identity and its expression nothing in this universe can exist quotes Allama Mohammad Iqbal. The main problem according to him which has led Humanity to this state of constant conflict and chaos is that Man has become aware of his true self. Hence the knowledge of Khudi has to be revived again to save humanity. The same is true with Muslim Ummah that we have also lost track of our true identity and for us to get out of this dark pit we must become aware of our true identity as well. Allama Iqbal has not just defined khudi and identified the problem, he has devised a detailed methodology to reconstruct the individual as well as the collective khudi.

The plan is to raise awareness in this regard among the educated strata of Pakistani society and make this knowledge part of the national curriculum.

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